Last week we looked at the 1%ers.
How does a coach achieve these?
- Asking the right question at the right time or asking no question at all.
- Pushing the runner to do more than they could on their own or pulling them back when they do too much.
- Getting the runner to focus on the right things or ensuring the runner is not focused on the wrong things.
- Providing the right feedback on the right set or providing no feedback at all.
- Looking at the right data or not looking at the data.
- Setting up the right training set for the runner or guiding the runner on how to run the set.
- Patting them on the back when they do well or through asking if they could have done better.
- Through the promise they make to you and the promise you make to them.
- Through planning for the runner, being there for the runner, listening to the runner and emotionally investing in the runner.
It’s knowing what to do, what to focus on, what to ask or what to say for each runner to allow them to be their best. And to be their best no two runners are alike.
Is it magic? No.
It’s picking up on the right information for the individual and then knowing what to do with it. That is how a coach gains 1% regularly, repetitively and across a range of areas.
And there lies the magic, in the art of coaching.
Enjoy the adventure.
Run, smile and have fun!