Why run 100km… ‘Because it will change your life!’
Why is a common question ultra runners get. To answer as above is simple, profound and true. Fortunately the quizzical looks you get in return are always priceless. Few will ever experience this or understand the power of this statement because for true understanding you have to have been on the adventure yourself. But let’s dive a little deeper and look at why running 100km changes your life.
Running 100km is so much more than ‘simply’ running 100km. It teaches you about who you really are and what you are capable of. The adventure will push you further than you every thought physically possible and further than you ever thought mentally possible.
It’s absolutely not for the feint hearted, if it were everyone would be doing it, but that’s the point! Not everyone is because not everyone is prepared to step that far outside their comfort zone, they are too scared and too fearful to commit to a life changing experience.
They listen to the little voice in their head that doubts their ability, they listen to others who doubt their ability. They need to listen to the little echo that does believe they can do it, that echo is deep in side them but the glimmer of belief is there.
When you do commit and commit fully the adventure of a 100km ultra changes your life in real and often un-expected ways.
This is because when you embark upon the journey of running 100km you are saying to the world – your friends and family – I’m prepared to embark upon something that is so far outside my comfort zone it scares me, yes there is fear but I’m going to accept it, I’m going to go for it, I’m going to commit.
You can’t go on a journey to 100km and not change. What are these ‘magical’ changes that we are talking about? Running 100km teaches you dedication, commitment, focus, clarity and it teaches you to believe in yourself.
If you don’t believe me ask any runner that has completed 100km ultra to reflect on how running 100km affected them in the above areas.
So how does running 100km do this? For starters you have to learn to put small meaningful steps in place over a long period of time for you to be able to achieve your goal. This requires planning and daily commitment. It teaches you to priorities and create great habits. Suddenly you learn what is truly important in your life and what is not. TV time decreases, social media time decreases, stress reduces, exercise time increases, being in nature increases and time spent with family and friends increase and more importantly becomes more meaningful.
You learn to follow a plan and the power of committing to the big things in life, not the small trivial things that waste your time.
Finishing 100km proves to yourself that you are capable and can achieve things outside your wildest dreams. You now have an experience to prove it! The challenge and adventure you face shifts your ‘yardstick’. Now every other challenge or problem you face in life is measured against a new norm. Finishing 100km gives you clarity on how to tackle these, no longer is anything impossible. A 100km ultra is a catalyst for everything else you want to achieve in life.
If you’re ready to change your life, don’t be put off by the fear and doubts in your mind. Block out the insecurity of others who don’t understand and JUMP! Commit to your goal and put in place a plan and people who can help you get there.
Are you a thinker or a doer?
A wannabe or an action taker?
A coulda’ or a committer?
Go on, commit, you’ll look back in 12 months time and be glad that you did!
Enjoy the adventure.
Run, smile and have fun!
Nick Muxlow
Nick Muxlow is the author of ‘Journey to 100 – How to run your first 100km ultramarathon and love it’as well as the head coach at The Ultra Journey.
Running an ultra is challenging. Personalized training plans and coaching from The Ultra Journey make it easy to run your best ultra.