The Ultra 5!
The 5 things you must implement to radically improve your ultra running.
There is so much information out there related to running it’s hard to know what of it applies to you the ultra runner. What should you implement and what should you leave behind?
I often get asked if you had to implement just 5 things to radically improve someone’s ultra running what would they be?
Through implementing the following 5 you will radically improve. It means your training will improve, your fitness will improve, you have more fun when running and you will achieve your impossible running goals. It makes race day easier, and you rock up at the start line with certainty you will make it to the finish line and experience that finish line feeling!
The 5 areas you must implement are;
Have a Training Plan – You need a personalised training plan that includes periodisation
You may have guessed this one from last week but there is no escaping it. Hands down it’s the easiest change to make and it’s also how you ensure the four points discussed below are implemented. The second essential is that your plan has to be periodized. Periodization is simply a fancy name for the long-term structure of a training program. This is the weekly structure, monthly structure and long term structure leading into your goal event. Periodization means it includes periods of increasing your running load, periods of improving your running strength and periods of recovery as well as a taper before your goal event.
Build Your Diesel Engine– you need to develop your diesel engine, a.k.a. your aerobic engine
There is no escaping it. You are entering an ultra endurance event. You need a well-refined engine that can power you through your entire race. The biggest problem ultra runners face on this front is that they try and short cut the process! They run too far too soon and get injured! Rather than giving their body the time necessary to develop. By attempting to shortcut the process and injuring themselves they end up further back than when they started!
Make Yourself Ultra Strong– you need to be able to run strong. This means uphill’s, down hills and running well over the final part of your race. This requires you to be ultra strong!
To be able to run ultra strong you need to put in place appropriate training over a period of time. This comes in two parts. Hill training and run specific strength workouts. Strength workouts are your insurance policy against injury; these workouts target the key muscles needed to run well. With the right know how these workouts can be completed at home with basic equipment.
Refine your Nutrition and Hydration– you need to be able to fuel yourself adequately for your journey, the same as if a car runs out of petrol it’s going no where, the same applies to you!
The problem with ultra running is that the fuel tanks that we (as humans) come pre build with doesn’t contain enough easily accessible energy – petrol to allow you to complete your ultra. You need to understand what fuel to put into the engine and how much fuel to be putting in!
Additional to fuel the engine needs oil! Just like the fuel runs out, so does the oil. Oil is your hydration; you need to understand how much hydration you need to be taking on and how to achieve this.
Practice your Pacing– if you blow up the engine on your car you’re stuck, same with your body!
If you rev the engine of the car too high or for too long it breaks in a cloud of smoke! Your body is no different! You need to watch your revs, hit the sweet spot for your race and then power to the finish line! The same as driving a manual takes practice so does pacing yourself when you run. This practice comes through training. Through tackling focused and challenging run sets designed to refine this skill.
Implementing The Big 5 will see you radically improve your ultra running. At the end of your training you will be like a Jeep! Robust, strong and ready for any adventure anywhere!
Now it’s time for you to take charge of the ‘The Big 5’. Watch your training improve, your fitness improve, have more fun on the trails, achieve your impossible and get that finish line feeling!
Enjoy the adventurer.
Run, smile and have fun!
Nick Muxlow